
Art of Storytelling and how to use it effectively

Storytelling remains one of the oldest techniques of expressing emotions. When it comes to using this medium, it is nonetheless important to say that our senses are more perceptive of the words or information being fed through this art.

The corporate world is practising multiple media production services to explain their brand’s value, belief, culture and reach millions of customers in seconds. They are able to share their journey with them. And the customer feels like a participant in their favourite brand’s soaring high aspirations. Some of the common services being employed are:-

  • Graphic designing
  • Web designing
  • Motion graphics
  • Content Development
  • Marketing
  • Video Motions

These tools assist in helping the audience to perceive what the brand is about and aims to achieve?

Industries understand the eminence of targeting their customer’s emotions. Thus, they take into account harnessing social media platforms which can be easily accessed and can be used to express more about a brand in less time.

Since, an average citizen spends more of his/her time surfing the internet, brands feel inclined to produce content which is mobile friendly and can be viewed easily. This has generated the need for more compact and brief information production. 

Due to modern-day digital branding practices and less time, digital story designing, web designing, strong content, creativity, graphic designs are becoming preferred choices for big brands to promote themselves.

Moreover, companies lay more thrust on inculcating a habit of using various web platforms to progress. These platforms demand less financial investment and focus on building genuine potential customers. The work environment in the marketing industry encourages generating customer directed services.

For instance, consider that an advertisement agency uses less factually grounded content that has no story to promote a company’s brand. Don’t you think, it would require more efforts from customers to articulate what the brand wishes to inform? They will not want to be left puzzled.

On the other hand, another advertisement agency conveys the story of a brand including a well-developed idea to be told aided by visual effects, and invigorated content and a character talking to them. Which one would you prefer more? Surely, the second one. Why? Let us try to find why storytelling is important.

Why is Storytelling important?

Even in the corporate world, brands have felt the need to adhere to storytelling methods to evolve their brand. The story can be related to how the brand was established, how did hard work of a single man pay off? How a brand progresses from zero to becoming No.1. Such stories involving the struggle of individuals affect our senses deeply.  

What is more important than having a great story is how to deliver it. This is why some movies never make it to the blockbuster charts and some break all records. Just as grammatical rules are followed while communicating to deliver meaningful sentences, storytelling needs some principles to function on to work effectively. Let’s find those out.


 Storytelling in marketing is a trend which is attracting a lot of attention. It is changing the ways we know the media. National and international businesses are utilizing technology for video production, branded content, social media to bring projects to life. Estimates say that readers are always on the hunt for brief information. Therefore, it becomes vital to understand how this art can be used effectively.

  1. Creativity- professional web design companies make use of a wide array of highly crafted gears to captivate the audience. Understanding the value of unique content production essential for creating an impact on the audience, emphasis must be laid on providing fresh eyes to traditional ideas. Whether it is getting the right shot in video making or brevity in writing blogs, every story must involve a stirring idea.


  1. Objective centred- it is fundamental to know flourishing trends in the market. One cannot afford to lag behind the current demands. Whether it is more video production based promotion, strong content filled blogging, high-quality motion graphics. Company’s dignified goal must be translated to the audience by nourished characters, and rich plot. The audience watching must feel a connection to what they are watching or reading.


  1. Audience Level- In the marketing world, it is hard to identify a specific audience. Therefore, the brand’s story must be suitable for the audience of all professional groups. Video production is one of those tools that can achieve this goal.


  1. Language Lucidity– Modern-day brands prefer to adopt self-promoting mediums to introduce their company. For instance, the advertisements while being advertised should be self-explanatory because the brand’s intervention is impossible. The language used, therefore needs to be simple, error-free, grammatically correct etc.


  1. Dramatization- Human capacity to be able to converse makes them unique. They can engage in dialogue and this is what they love. Thus, the saying that a picture speaks louder than words proves correct.


Visual senses are said to be the strongest mode of perception. Our mind loves to listen as well as watch stories. In this regard, dramatization helps in highlighting the elements of the story. Transferring the idea of a character from imagination to a concrete form such as done by videos helps in the association of the character’s emotions in real life.


  1. Knowledge value- To successfully convey a message, the selection of content must be such that it includes a realistic portrayal of characters. The medium may vary from blogging to article writing, from web designing to Facebook. It is crucial for the audience to fathom the progress of the protagonist from beginning to end. They should be able to gather from the character something valuable that they can cherish.


  1. Reliability-Listeners can appreciate the success and struggles of the characters if the story content is reliable and believable. Therefore, inventors, while portraying, must use episodes which were ground breaking in the progress. The purpose of the story must be stated clearly by the actions of each role player.

What makes a brand stand out is the way it evinces its values. This is how the customer perceives them and appreciates their efforts. Words tend to create magic. And for that magic to work, an appropriate form must be chosen. Professional companies are adopting various platforms to interact with their audience for numerous reasons such as less time consumption, better finance manageability, global audience, etc. The ones who want to progress are joining the race and tasting what real success is. It’s high time to take your leap of faith and step up your game.

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