
Video Marketing Trends: A revolutionary change

Video marketing is an exciting field based upon consciously coordinated two social units namely technology and human interaction. As is obvious, the term ‘video marketing’ covers the assimilation and distribution of information through real-time networks consisting of visual images, sounds, computer graphics, and the virtual world.


The rise of video marketing in 2020 can be credited to the way consumers have accepted this media form. Statistics show that since 2016, the ratio of video watching as compared to reading posts and blogs has increased to almost up to 80%. Videos are more interactive, less time consuming and engaging. Consequently, advertisers and business leaders have begun to invest more in online platforms to drive engagement.


In video marketing, the focus is more on improving a viewer’s experience following an “Attract-Engage-Delight” approach for retention and referral.


Why is video marketing important?

Whether desirable or not, businesses are accepting video marketing as a strategy to stay alive in the competition. Video marketing is the trend of the hour due to the following reasons:-

  • More information absorption in less time
  • Videos allow Call to Action letting customers draw valuable information from the video
  • Higher viewership
  • Device friendliness
  • Infographic elements
  • More relatability and genuine response


Quest for quality has shaped this IT revolution beyond our imagination. Customers’ awareness of the latest innovations exerts pressure on the economy to open up competition in the domestic and foreign markets. Platforms like Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp, Podcasts may be at the top of their game now, but marketers are racing to stay ahead in the competition. Considerable changes have been noticed in the marketing trends such as:


  • Emphasis on 360-degree video production
  • Building a panoramic website at optimum cost
  • Video viewer optimization through Instagram, Facebook, Podcasts, etc.
  • Vlogging
  • Facebook and Youtube live video sessions


Brands are moving from primitive to sophisticated utilization of technological resources improving the dimensions of interaction. These organized efforts have germinated noticeable trends worth studying.

 Video Marketing Trends of 2021

In the wake of fast occurring video production changes in the last two decades, old systems and factors are proving to be mostly obsolete and inefficient. However, not all the rules of old salesmanship are a waste. There have been a few rules which were there in the past, are still in use and probably continue to be used in the future. For instance, sharing information through storytelling in videos has been an experience enhancer. Simply discarding this technique won’t attract customers. 

  1. Videos telling stories- Digital supply of product or service information in story form in videos through established content should ensure to touch pain points of customers. It is imperative to incorporate Entertainment, Education and Emotion while making videos to turbocharge its effectiveness.

Videos must contain unexpected delightful surprises to retain attention till video ends.

For better storytelling through video to promote marketing, ensure having:-


  • Neat and clean niche-based video
  • Limited video introduction and product description
  • Catchy titles
  • Maximize solution
  • Single-click navigation in videos
  • Backlinks for viewers to visit the website
  • Incorporated sound, music, moving graphics
  1. Searchable Videos- Old video making practices thrust efforts on outbound customer search. For instance, it was the creator looking for visitors. That approach is like finding a needle in the hay. Nowadays, businesses are adopting an inbound customer approach. Brand campaigns want to “Be Found” instead of “Finding customers”.

 There are thousands of videos on youtube which go unnoticed and attract few views. It is either   because the video production is vague and it never makes it in the search list. Some points to note

  • To catch public attention, add relative thumbnails in video titles.
  • Short and searchable titles
  • Theme based videos
  • Seek targeted audience
  1. Interesting Content– Generating creative content is crucial for marketing through videos. Did you know what can be an experienced killer for a visitor? Long and irrelevant videos. There is a high demand for high-quality content that meets all the needs of the consumers.
  • Be a problem solver-Visitors want problem-solving videos. They come looking for specific information. For instance, if a customer wants a video reviewing the best wedding decor items nearby. Then involve only this information rather than delaying the content by introducing yourself and begging for subscription from beginning to end.
  • Track what the viewer wants-Make anticipatory content dealing with pain points of viewers. Videos can be analyzed to avail information regarding which video generated a large number of views. Store this data and design relevant content based on this research.
  • Invest time in SEO/PPC- Gather feedback from customer buying experience by using Google Analytics, Data and analytical research to complete a touchpoint study. An idea remains an idea unless it is converted into a viable reality for consumers to understand.
  1. Vlogging- Vlogging is a new way to make the brand promotion even more relatable. The use of real-life audiences to share their product after use experiences enhance customer likeability. This provides credible authenticity to a product and a sense of belongingness. Such techniques hit the right emotion which the customer always desires. According to studies, 64% of buyers visit official websites after watching videos. Things to note are use of high-quality camera lens, limited self-introduction, good connectivity.
  1. Instagram- Instagram stories are niche-based content that targets a specific audience. This is perhaps the biggest reason why Instagram is a runway hit millennials and Gen Z audience. Each story posted by a genuine user draws an authentic response to the shared video. Businesses use Instagram’s bots automation feature to attract views and followers.
  2. Google Video Ads- Have you noticed those skippable and non-skippable video ads on youtube which appear right before you click to watch a video. That is part of the video marketing strategy to attract and engage audiences’ viewership. This is how brands reach millions of customers.

Communication is said to be an integral element of human interaction enabling our survival. The success of a business largely depends on the extent of its communication ability. As of today’s market, video marketing is a buzzword that has been trending. Other platforms of expressions like Facebook, Instagram, Podcasts, Youtube, Whatsapp are being used to promote brands. As these tools are part of our everyday life, brands can conveniently reach their target audience.

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