
Now is the time for every business to go digital

The 21st century will be marked as the century of Digitalization recasting the relationship between consumers and producers. This world platform debate is a major concern for all high-end economists and leaders.


Today, technology isn’t just around us, it is profoundly enrooted in ideas marching towards changing the face of the future. From fierce collaborations to growing cartels, digitalization is impacting our society every minute. Additionally, it is offering a chance to change our efficiencies and make us faster and competitive. 


As we step into the league, the technological dynamics are empowering individuals. Organisations are able to:


  • Enhance scales of productivity
  • Change the demographics of workforce quality
  • Transform alliance between suppliers and customers
  • Exert power control on changing markets
  • Manage superior services
  • Continuous learning


Why is digitization the need of the hour?

Organisations are actively pursuing digital platforms for multifaceted beneficial aspects. Instant communication, data handling, transparency, quick feedback, advanced innovations are luring the current audience. Employee expectations and attitudes have changed. Another change that digitalization is establishing is that traditional allurements, for instance, attractive remuneration, housing, job security, and the like do not attract or retain today’s workforce.


Employees today expect the quality of status with the management giving way to scaling up the hierarchical ladder. They want challenging assignments that can redefine their jobs breaking the stereotypical methods of betterment. Technology is offering a competitive edge to firms aided by the harmonious integration between humans and technological resources. It is not incorrect to say that now is the time for every business to go digital.

 Why is the time for every business to go digital?


In the light of revolutionary changes brought by information and technology, the last decade has witnessed revolution which will continue to shape the way we work for the next generations. These are days of the internet, email, video calls, mobile phones, etc. Therefore, it is fundamental for businesses to go digital for the following reasons.


  1. Networking-The onrush of digitalization has made it possible for us to connect with the world from the comfort of one’s home. Knowledge accumulation of global events is opening horizons of unlimited information. Accruing to the availability of advanced technological tools, multinationals have begun to expand their operations as they have realized that if they do not go digital now, they are likely to get left behind in the near future. One can identify the needs of the customers and simultaneously provide the required support with a click.

Millions of data are distributed worldwide for gaining customer response. Big brands earn their customers through digital promotions. Youtube and Facebook, for instance, are the most common digital platforms to reach a shocking range of audiences.


  1. Communication-Communication involves the element of transferring ideas, information, opinions, the subject matter between two parties. Its accuracy is imminently essential in the government sector, business, military organisations, hospitals, and schools, etc. Faster transfer of various components through digital mediums help in maintaining the equilibrium of information flow at all divisions. Accurate communication of information helps in controlling members’ behaviour, motivation, provides leadership and changes people’s attitude.

What impact digital communication has on organisations?


  • Regulation becomes easy to implement
  • Channelizing messages become comprehensive
  • Maintains hierarchical grouping
  • Proceduralization system of information sharing

Digital communication in organisations exists as Downward, Upward, Horizontal,  Vertical, Grapevine which is conducted through mediums like Electronic mail, Intranet and Extranet links, and videoconferencing. Although the process seems cohesive, digital communication may suffer barriers due to certain factors like symbols with different meanings,  badly expressed messages, faulty translations, unclarified assumptions, using specialist’s language, etc.


  1. Growth Prospects- Gone are the days when the blaring of a siren made thousands of employees gush inside the gates of the outlets. Nowadays, powerful technology drives powerful dreams. From small to large businesses, from the government to private, all enterprises are constructing the paths to join eWorking.

In a broad sense, a distinctive platform sharing common goals and interests targeted at serving the world is being run by mutual interactions. Digitalization ensures widening growth opportunities, increasing the participation of contributors. Digitalization has the potential to transform the entire system and accelerate growth.


It has the calibre to get business to reach inaccessible corners of the world. Amongst all the sectors, education is a pivotal sector reinforcing and embracing the digital platform. Children enjoy going to school more than ever. Government building up “Learning without burden” policy motivates teachers to get acquainted with smart classes. The paradigms of the world once unreachable can be recreated in concrete reality to facilitate learning tools. Its motive is to make students ready for further competition.


  1. Transparency- The demand for transparency in the digital world is becoming monumental. Customers want to know what product they are consuming. This is all possible through company websites representing their label for the general public.

All the information is printed on the product and the audit reports are published online in order to retain loyal customers. This helps in managing the brand’s reputation in the eyes of the shareholders.


  1. Concise Data- These days all the data required is stored through digital lockers which eliminates the need for creating big spaces for storing huge piles of files. Whether it is usual or vital information, all can be stored digitally saving hectic lookouts. All information can be located and accessed in one place.

The process of digital communication is here to stay. The platform is blooming and dominating almost all the aspects of our regular life. Enriching ideas are reshaping the way we think of the world. It’s the best time to go digital and participate in this fruitful journey. Successful careers are highly-interrelated with the human ability to use technology at its best. And finally, both individuals and organisations must invest in enhancing digital platforms.

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