
How to create a strong brand personality and why it is important?

Charismatic brand personality is a theory which has emerged for two reasons. First, large companies worldwide have embarked on the journey of organisational transformation programmes embracing extensive changes like going completely online. Second, the extent to which brand personality plays a monumental role in influencing human psychology cannot be spelled out.

While the above two factors have generated the pressure for small organisations to enter a more competitive environment and the complexity of managing businesses. It is true that today’s marketing industry allows all businesses to take the front stage equally if they are progressive in their ideas. For that, it is important to acknowledge:-

  • Booming technological advances
  • Changing market trends
  • Palatable creative and interesting organisational approaches
  • Laudable efforts


This idea is percolated through all organisations paving way for professionalism. The situation in this respect allows brands to realise there is a need to step away from traditional standards and adopt modern tools such as video production, web designs, motion graphics. These tools are more sophisticated than ever giving little scope for ill-management of resources. Businesses are experiencing milestone brand establishment changes by simply incorporating these ideas.

Why is it important to build a strong brand personality?

  1. To attain organisational objectives- Every organisation is a part of the society and it takes inputs from the society in order to run. The standard of objectives set by the organisation gives the company a purpose to stand for. Thus, objectives give a realistic view to the organisation to exert endeavours in a particular direction.


  1. Increases efficiency- Strong brands run by strong values provide guidelines to upcoming talent to perform in different situations. It is a process of influence and skill management. Leaders mould their subordinates by assigning them responsible roles. And the role players corporate in the achievement of the brand’s goals efficiently.


  1. Attracting Future customers– A brand’s identity makes a product desirable and establishes the authority of the company in the market. The customers agree to the company’s goals and this audience advocates the product to other potential customers. For example, if a customer has been buying a branded hair shampoo for years due to good results, he/she is more likely to recommend the same product to his/her companion instead of any other.

How to create a strong brand personality?

 An integrated analysis suggests that there are certain universal principles which brands take into account to build a strong personality. In order to understand those factors, let us look at practices adopted by multinationals operating in countries.

1.Content Creation and Trustworthiness- Lack of understanding in creating a unique content fails to justify the aspirations of a brand. A brands’ workforce, efficiency, assets, and their experience can be well explained to the audience by choosing the right words in the promotion.

Multidimensional aspects of a single enterprise can be summed up and delivered using strong content directly to customers making them feel related to the brand. For instance, if you ask a KFC customer to rate the food. They are more likely to say-” It’s Finger Licking Good” than “Oh! It tastes great”. What do you think your answer will be upon being questioned the same?

Is this simply because the customer would have heard this so many times or the content used has cautiously been instilled in the minds of the customers.

Knowledge of content comes from experience. A brand should be able to explain their beliefs clearly to its audience using simple and attractive language. This helps retain desirable organic customers.

  1. Display your Values through brand-Every enterprise has a philosophy in doing business which becomes the foundation for their attitude toward building their brand. This value should indisputably expand to the customers. They should have a clear insight into the brand’s aspirations. For this, any medium can be chosen from videos to website launching. From publishing blogs to posting stories on social media platforms.

The values of a business carried on by the employees to determine their willingness to enhance skills, take risks and gain experience. They will demonstrate equal efforts to make prudent decisions for the benefit of the organisation.

 Stimulating for change- Market changes are ever evolving. New technology, products, legal-political events affect developing trends. For example, contemporary audiences demand better technological modes of communication.

Brands should be adaptable to modifications and apply those changes effectively using managerial skills after careful research.

In doing so, every enterprise is an academician. Each performs experiments and based on them draw conclusions from their experience. Experience is a valuable asset for us. Our experience contributes to a better understanding of market mechanisms and weeding out undesirable practices.


  1. Creative thinking- When a group faces conflicting ideas, the members should display analytical thinking in articulating various alternatives. High tension results in low creativity. The availability of multiple web platforms has made it possible to overcome everyday arising challenges.

For instance, to economise financial burdens, companies can opt to introduce themselves online saving millions and still get the recognition that they pine for.

  1. Awareness of weaknesses– In the case of individual brands, where human resource is less in number, personal victory becomes more important than the company’s goal. The owners should be aware of their strong points and weak points as well.

For example, scarcity of monetary funds may leave few options for product branding on a large scale. However, online sales professionals know how to make use of social media platforms to promote brands in strict financial limits. They offer affordable packages, skilled promotion techniques, SEO based content development, optimization etc.

  1. Dynamic interaction- Production department of a company may have launched websites and products, but how will this information reach the customers? How will the customers know what is available in the market? Are they required to frantically search the grocery aisles or know a little detail? This gap can be filled using correct media platforms.

In this fast pace changing market, it is imperative to focus on time-saving brand development. First impression is the last impression. Brands need to be strategic and motivated to learn innovative solutions to create their identity. There is a need to evolve creative content, clear brand values, dynamic interaction with the audience and awareness of strong points and weak points. It allows brands to self-introspect their status in the market and adopt possible alternatives to progress.

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