
How to convert your website into a lead generating machine?

The world may have become smaller digitally but the geographical distances cannot be refuted. However, connecting through online platforms is as important as in physical form. The technological environment is important for a business to grow. The designing, production and information distribution affects the relative competition.

 In order to clearly understand the importance of having a website, we would like you to consider the following two cases. Imagine, this is the worst-case scenario

 Case 1: You are walking the busiest street of your town and you come across an oddly behaving person. This person catches hold of your purse and runs away. You reach the police station to lodge a report. When the cops ask you to describe the man, for some weird reason, you are unable to recall the FACE of this man. On a scale of 1 to 10, what are the chances the cops will be able to detain this guy?

 Ok! we accept, we don’t know why all the town thieves are after you all of a sudden.

 Case 2: After lodging the report, you step out of the police station and one more time, a thief is tailing you. But you have had enough. So you decide to give a tough fight. Unfortunately, this thief manages to snatch away your car keys. While lodging the case, you mention even the slightest detail connected with this thief.

 Ques. Out of the two cases, which thief will be caught easily by cops? 

 Website building gives a face to your brand with which consumers can relate themselves to. It assigns a responsibility on the enterprises to do good and earn status in the market. Having a website ensures developing a presence for yourself. These days the audience is shifting to online shopping. People love to explore and review things first. They want to be informed. They wish to have complete knowledge about the product they want to buy.

 How to convert your website into a lead generating machine?

There are five important ways in which you can make your website into a lead generating machine.

 User-Friendly Interface- The first and foremost priority should be to allow visitors to have an easy navigation facility. This includes easy to understand the content, simple icons, smooth operational background, high-quality graphics, product and service explanation through video production, etc.

  1. Branded Content– Words are power. This is a linking pin between humans and technology. Brevity is the key to gain customer loyalty. Let no stone be unturned when it comes to evincing your goals, objectives, missions, visions, future plans to the consumer. Tell your story, your idea and show what you want to achieve?


  1. Categorisation- What is more important than just having a movie script is the knowledge to know how to present it. For instance, imagine what Titanic movie would look like if James Cameron had not directed it?


Similarly, having creative content is a waste if you don’t present it well enough. Segregate each product or service according to usability. Do not let the visitor navigate paranoid through the website’s home pages to inner pages.

 Things to avoid:

 Long hectic paragraphs

  1. No creativity in the brand story
  2. Inconsistent breaks and pauses
  3. Punctuation errors
  4. Heavy grammar mistakes
  5. Plagiarised content
  6. Improper fonts, formats and spacing
  7. Dark background
  8. Illegible and blur image uploading
  9. Videos taking too long to play


4. Feedback- Our experiences make us better at every step of life. This experience is gathered in two ways 1) from society and 2) from self-introspection. In the marketing world, this collection of experience comes from feedback in the form of comments made by by-product or service users.

 Since a visitor cannot physically be present at your door to give you a product review, it is through these feedback forms, consumers can express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Therefore, it is not enough to have a feedback form. Allow the website visitor to express their pain points through contacts, emails, more review sections. For example, some food businesses even inquire about the taste and likeness of their food from customers through calls and surveys. This makes the customer feel that they are important for the business.

 5. Call to Action (CTA)- You may have heard this marketing term in numerous articles. Call to action means giving the customer a hidden command to engage in some action.

 Websites use words like Call now, Contact us today, Hurry up! Give a call, Order now, Click to learn more.

 These are the actions which you desire from customers to make once they have gathered complete product or service information. It is like giving an address to the building or mapping your brand in the customer’s mind. This process creates customers.

a)    Customers create repeat customers.

b)    Repeat customers create loyal customers.

c)     Loyal customers create promoters.

d)    Promoters create advocates.

The world of technology is experiencing tremendous changes with each passing year. Innovation is clearly becoming an inevitable part of our lives. The thoughts which were once impossible to achieve are present in real form. We are coming closer to the future and in this future, we all contribute our bits. The information age is here and the ones who are updated can survive. So be informative, be informed and be curious.


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